Sunday, November 30, 2008

The real meaning of Christmas

I saw a news report yesterday that children around the country are telling Santa's that they want the basics of life. They want their moms and dads to stay together, they want their house back or thier dad's job back. They want their parents to be happy. They said on the report that the economic situation is very much affecting the psyche of our children. Stability is being taken from them and they are having to worry about things they should not have to worry about. Instead of asking for selfish 'toys,' they are asking for things that will keep their family together and their parents happy. That is one of the saddest things I have ever heard. I do appreciate that they are not very materialistic. That is great! I wish my kids were more like that, but it shows the state of our country. It shows the state of our economy. There was another report that next Christmas, people are not going to be worrying about gifts under the tree, they are going to be worried about food on the table. They said that this year will be the second depression. I have no idea. I am not a fortune teller, but it really shows where our priorities need to be. Of course, I wasnt around during simpler times, but I have seen shows when families lived close together and they took care of one another. Family was priority. They lived off of the land and days of microwaves and fast food were not even around yet. Generations lived together and texting and email was somethign that generation probably wouldnt have even understood.
These generations are getting more and more distant. They are getting to the point where they are not even able to communicate. It used to be emailing. Now it is texting. People prefer to text than to actually talk on the phone or in person. Moms and dads are working both jobs and kids are put aside to raise themslves with the internet and TV. Obesity is rampant in today's kids bcuase parents allow food to be their comfort. It really is sad. I think the best thing is for our country to get back to what is importnat. Maybe getting back to basics isnt a bad thing. I dont want people to have to lose their income in order to get to that, but what if our country got back to the days of home cooking and closeness.
These generations are afraid of real closeness. The days of drive up-calling hours and work via living room satelites are soon approaching unless our country has a quick about face and gets back to the real things that matter.
Less kids might be in reahab and peopel may not want to hurt themselves to lessen the pain becuase there might actually be a human being there to hold them through difficult times. Kids are cutting now and find new highs every day. Maybe what they need is just someone in the flesh to love on them, show them attention, care. We are just too damn busy. Many adults need to stop their busy schedules and hug more. They need to sit around the table more and ask their kids questions. They need to be involved and know who their kids are talking to and what sites they are visiting on the internet. They need to know who is texting them and what is being text to them.
There are so many outside influences that are able to reach our kids than ever before and it is scary. You have to watch every little thing. You have to screen their emails and their myspace and facebooking accounts. You have to moniter their youtube watchign and make sure that they are not receiving emails from horny men that are saying they are 12 year old girls. It is so much tougher to raise kids today, but yet parents are less involved.
Kids want their parents to pay attention. They want their parents to get back to the basics when they are running over and killing Walmart clerks and grabbing for the last Xbox 360.
My generation, Generation X, has it all wrong. I pray the next generation gets it. I pray they hold on to the basics and get back to what Christmas was supposed to be about.

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